Mark Brandt Dayton (born January 26, 1947) is an American politician who served as Minnesota's 40th governor and currently, since 2011. He was previously a US Senator and a Minnesota State Auditor. He is a member of the Democratic Democratic Labor Party-Democrat Party (DFL), which is affiliated with the national Democratic Party.
Video Mark Dayton
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Dayton was born on January 26, 1947 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is the eldest child of Gwendolen May (Brandt) and Bruce Bliss of Dayton's four children. He is the great-grandson of businessman George Dayton, founder of the chain of department stores in Dayton. His father, Bruce Dayton, served as chairman and CEO of Dayton Hudson Corporation, the company which later became the Target Corporation. Bruce Dayton also founded the chain of B. Dalton bookstores in 1966.
Mark Dayton grew up in Long Lake, Minnesota and graduated from Blake School in Minneapolis, where he is an ice hockey midfielder in all states as a senior.
Dayton attended Yale University, where he played university hockey until an accident in the ice crevice in his throat. During his time at Yale, he joined the fraternal Delta Kappa Epsilon (along with President George W. Bush) and received a B.A. in psychology in 1969. After college, Dayton worked as a teacher on the Lower East Side of New York City from 1969 to 1971, and then as chief financial officer of a social services agency in Boston, Massachusetts from 1971 to 1975.
Maps Mark Dayton
early political career
The first Dayton became politically active in the 1960s. He protested against the Vietnam War in April 1970 at one of Minnesota's premier anti-war protests against Honeywell, where he was told by police. Dayton's father served on Honeywell's board of directors and both had a strained relationship after the incident.
From 1975 to 1976 he became a legislative assistant to Senator Walter Mondale, until the election of Mondale as Vice President of the United States. From 1977 to 1978, Dayton served as assistant to the Minnesota Governor, Rudy Perpich. In 1978, Perpich appointed Dayton to lead the Department of Economic Development and then the Department of Energy and Economic Development.
In 1998, Dayton ran a failed campaign for the governor, losing Democratic nominations to Hubert Humphrey III. In 2000, he was elected to the US Senate, defeating a presidential candidate from Rod Grams. As a senator, Dayton voted against authorization for the Iraq War, and was the first senator to introduce a law that created the United States Department of Peace. In 2006, he chose not to seek re-election, citing his disappointment with Washington, D.C. and fundraising.

Minnesota State Auditor â ⬠<â â¬
Dayton was elected Minnesota State Auditor in 1990 and served until 1995.

AS. Senate
Dayton first ran for the United States Senate in 1982 but lost to ruling President David Durenberger. He defeated former US Senator Eugene McCarthy in the Democratic primary, and the election became one of the most expensive in state history. Dayton campaigned as a populist against Reaganomics and prominently promised "to close the tax loophole for the rich and the company - and if you think it includes Daytons, you're right".
He was elected to the Senate in 2000, defeating Rodal as President. Dayton self-financed the 2000 campaign with $ 12 million.
While in the Senate, Dayton donated his salary to pay a bus trip for seniors to buy cheaper recipe drugs in Canada. He generally chose with his fellow Democrats.
On February 9, 2005, he announced that he would not run again, saying, "Everything I do, and everything I believe in, depends on this Senate seat left in the Democratic caucuses in 2007. I do not believe that I am a candidate best to lead the DFL Party to victory next year. "He also cited his dislike of fundraising and political campaigning. Dayton succeeded in the Senate by Amy Klobuchar, another DFLer.
On 22 September 2005, the 44th anniversary of the day, President John F. Kennedy signed the Peace Corps into law, Dayton became the first US Senator to introduce a law that created the Cabinet-level Peace Department. At the same time, similar legislation was introduced in Parliament by Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
In April 2006, Time magazine rated Dayton one of America's "Five Worst Senators," calling him "The Blunderer" for such "uncertain behavior" as the temporary closure of his office in 2004 because a unspecified terrorists, his complaints about "limited power in a room where authority comes from seniority," and his comments in February 2005 that the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota "is far more valuable than the whole state of South Dakota", a later statement he apologized. The news report from the Q & A session quoted him giving him F for his time in the Senate. Much of it was based on his Washington behavior, The New Republic dubbed Dayton's next run for the state-elected office "Eeyore For Governor."
In September 2006, Dayton requested a review of Rogers, a Minnesota tornado to determine whether the National Weather Service had acted correctly and the death of the victim was inevitable.
Committees assignment
- Armed Services Committee â â¬
- Subcommittee on Airland
- Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support
- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Subcommittee on Commodities, Markets, Commerce and Risk Management
- Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources
- Domestic Security and Government Affairs Committee
- Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security
- Subcommittee on Governmental Management Supervision, Federal and District of Columbia Workforce
- Subcommittee Staying on Investigation
- Committee on Rules and Administration
- Joint Committee on Printing
Dayton v. Hanson
In the 2003 lawsuit Senator's Office Mark Dayton v. Brad Hanson questioned the possibility of Brad Hanson's wrong termination. Brad Hanson worked as Dayton State Office Manager, and when Hanson took medical leave for heart problems, Senator Dayton fired him shortly afterwards. Hanson was prosecuted under the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, claiming that Dayton had discriminated against him for his perceived disability, although Dayton argued that he was immunized from a lawsuit by the United States Constitution's "speech or debate" clause. Dayton claims that Hanson's duties are directly related to Dayton's legislative functions, and that his decision to fire him can not be challenged. The District Court denied the motion, and the case came to the United States Supreme Court, where the oral argument was heard on 24 April 2007. The issue was whether the US Senator could be prosecuted for a wrongful termination or if the legal action was prohibited by the "speech or debate clause "The Constitution, which protects MPs from having legislative work in question by the courts. The Supreme Court ruled 8-0 that he had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal and refused the case, refusing to grant certiorari. Dayton reached a settlement with Hanson in 2009, shortly after Dayton became a governor candidate.

Minnesota Governor
On January 16, 2009, Dayton announced his candidacy for the Minnesota Governor. In a crowded field of Democratic challengers, Dayton chose to pass state caucuses and conventions in favor of the main elections. He stated that he made the decision because the main election was a more democratic method of choosing a candidate. Perhaps because of his unhappiness known about fundraising for the campaign, he relied on personal funds for his campaign. On May 24, 2010, he announced State Senator Yvonne Prettner Solon of Duluth as his partner to Lieutenant Governor. On 10 August 2010, Dayton defeated DFL-backed Margaret Anderson Kelliher in a close primary election, 41.33% to 39.75%;) Dayton was later backed by Minnesota DFL to earn his party's nomination for governor.
In an election on November 2, 2010, Dayton led Republican opponent Tom Emmer at the closing of the poll with just under 9,000 votes. The margin of victory is small enough to trigger automatic recounting under state law. Analysts generally think it's unlikely that the Dayton lead will be reversed. During a recount of the ballot, Emmer failed to find enough ballots to overthrow the Dayton leadership. Emmer admitted the election on December 8, 2010. Minnesota Independence Party candidate Tom Horner received 11.9% of the vote, and has suggested that Horner charges Emmer the election by splitting votes.
Dayton took an oath of office to become Governor of Minnesota on January 3, 2011. Taking office a few weeks before his 64th birthday, Dayton is the oldest person ever inaugurated as governor in Minnesota history. Former Vice President and Senator Walter Mondale served as Master of Ceremony at the inauguration. The first Democrat who served as governor in 20 years, Dayton replaced Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty. On January 5, the Governor of Dayton signed two Executive Orders allowing the Minnesota Department of Commerce and Health to apply for a federal healthcare grant, and to provide $ 1.2 billion in federal funds for Initial Option for Medicaid Opt-In program across the state. This Executive Order overturned the previous government ban on federal funding for the state health care system. In March 2011, Dayton signed a penalty that increased the law for those who injure or kill police dogs.
On July 1, 2011, the Minnesota government suffered a shutdown as a result of the deadlock during budget negotiations between Dayton and the Republican-led legislature. On July 20, 2011, Dayton and the legislature reached an agreement, ending the 20-day termination.
Dayton led the effort to have a new stadium built for Minnesota Vikings. In May 2011, after attempts to obtain a stadium financed by Hennepin District failed, Ramsey County officials announced that they had reached an agreement with Minnesota Vikings to become local team partners for the new stadium, which had to be approved by the Minnesota Legislature and for approval. of the sales tax by the Ramsey County Council. Dayton is reluctant to go along with the Arden Hills team's proposal as it will cost a total of $ 1.1 billion, including an additional $ 131 million for road repairs, and then try to make the drive to have a stadium built on a farmers market site near Linden Avenue downtown Minneapolis. On March 1, 2012, plans to build a stadium in Arden Hills or at the Linden Avenue location were abandoned after an agreement was announced by Dayton for a new stadium to be built on the Metrodome site, pending approval by the state legislature and the Minneapolis city council. In May 2012, a proposal to build a stadium on the Metrodome site was authorized by the Minnesota Legislature and soon after it was signed into law by Dayton; On May 25, the proposal was formally resolved after receiving approval from Minneapolis City Council.
In the legislative session that ended in May 2013, Dayton pushed and won a tax increase of $ 2.1 billion, mostly in the rich and cigarettes. He also signed a law that legalized gay marriage in Minnesota, created free nursery schools across the state, all day and financed by Mayo Clinic, 3M and Mall of America. In the spring session of 2014, Dayton came under fire from supporters and enemies for opposing the legalization of medical marijuana, which polls showed 65% of Minnesotans support. One of the supporters, the mother of a child with severe epilepsy, is suspected of Dayton telling him at a meeting that he will not legalize the drug but he can illegally buy drugs. Dayton denied saying that. On April 2, the Ganja Policy Project begins serving statewide ads that attack the Dayton opposition to the legalization of medical marijuana, which features St. Paul and his son with severe seizures can be cured with medical marijuana.
On December 6, 2017, Politico reported that Dayton is expected to appoint Lt. Governor Tina Smith to the seat of the Al Franken Senate if Franken decides to resign amid various allegations of sexual offenses against him. On December 7, Franken announced he would resign in "the next few weeks".

Political position
Dayton received a 100% ranking from AFL-CIO, National Association for the Progress of Colored People, National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, and American liberal group for Democratic Action. Dayton received a 79% rating from League of Conservation Voters for its support of green energy. Dayton scored 9% of the conservative SBE Board.
Health Care
Dayton supports health care coverage for all Americans, with increased state and federal spending on health care. Dayton supports progressive taxes to reduce state and federal deficits. To help create jobs, he proposed a state stimulus package as part of his governor's platform. Dayton supports increased funding for K-12 schools, with teacher salary increases and a decrease in class size.
In July 2000, Dayton answered an election questionnaire saying he would expand the range of Medicare prescription drugs. He preferred to keep Social Security intact, and oppose the privatization of Social Security. He received a 90% rating by the American Pensioners Alliance.
Medical marijuana
Until 2013, Dayton opposed the legalization of medical marijuana and drug policy reform, adopting a similar position to his predecessor, Tim Pawlenty. The Marijuan Policy Project called Dayton "is no more profitable" for drug policy reform than the last Republican governor. Dayton is reported to have become more profitable for the legalization of medical marijuana by 2014, but it supports medical marijuana called the "smoke and mirror" position, and claims he deliberately stopped the progress on the bill to legalize medical marijuana that should have enough votes to pass. In a meeting with supporters, Dayton allegedly told a mother of a child with severe epilepsy to buy the drug illegally because she would not sign the bill to legalize it, but she denied saying it. When Dayton proposed a $ 2 million study on medical marijuana with Mayo Clinic instead of signing a bill to legalize medical marijuana, supporters "hit" Dayton for not allowing patients suffering from having access to drugs. The Town Pages report that the Governor may lose votes from many medical marijuana supporters, 65% of Minnesotans, to 3/5 of Republican candidates for governors in 2014 who "strike a more liberal tone on marijuana reform" rather than Democrat candidates.
same-sex marriage
With Senator Joe Lieberman and Representative Barney Frank, Dayton introduced the law to the Government Affairs Committee to extend the federal employees' domestic partnership of all available benefits and liabilities charged to the spouses of an employee.
Dayton voted against a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in June 2006, and supported civil marriage equality in its governor platform.
On May 14, 2013, Dayton Governor signed a bill passed by Minnesota House and the Senate to legalize same-sex marriage in the state.
Iraq War
In October 2002, Dayton voted against the Authorization for the Use of Military Forces Against Iraq. He followed up three years later by introducing Senate Bill 1756 to create a Cabinet Department level cabinet a week after Dennis Kucinich introduced the same bill in the House. The bill never emerged from the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs.

Personal life
Dayton married Alida Ferry Rockefeller, youngest sister of US Senator John Davison "Jay" Rockefeller IV, in 1978; they divorced in 1986. Dayton and his second wife, Janice R. Haarstick, President of Jamahda Farm Inc., divorced in 1999. Dayton has two sons, Eric and Andrew, from his first marriage.
Despite his wealth, he lives simply. He is a recovered alcoholic and has been treated for a mild depression. He revealed this information on his own initiative, saying he felt "people have the right to know."
In December 2012, Dayton underwent a vertebral fusion operation at the Mayo Clinic to treat his spinal stenosis. On June 25, 2013, Dayton had to cancel the appearance due to a muscle tear. On January 31, 2016, Dayton passed out while speaking at a campaign event in Woodbury, Minnesota. She was hospitalized last night.
On January 23, 2017, Dayton collapsed when giving the State of the State address to the Minnesota Legislature. Upon inspection by emergency medical services, she is reported to be in good condition and sent home on the same evening. The next day he announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer a week earlier.

Electoral history
1982: US Senator
1998: Minnesota Governor
2000: US Senator
2010: Minnesota Governor
2014: Minnesota Governor


External links
- Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton's official site
- Mark Dayton on Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Appearance in C-SPAN
Source of the article : Wikipedia